10 Foods that can beat Common Body Ache and Muscle Pains


Day to day Muscles, Joints and Ligament pain can affect our body and can’t let us do our daily works properly. There are certain reasons behind these pains, such as old injury, poor body posture, over working, exertion...

So, it needed to be cured as soon as possible because Sometimes these little pains can be grown up into serious problems, if the pain is stronger then it will also keep you from sleeping and you remain restless throughout the day.

That’s why In order to cure these Joint and Muscle Pains, not only any therapy will help. But You need to make some changes in your Diet Plan.

Add some Good and Healthy Foods along with detoxing your body by intaking juice and organic foods or simply intake activated charcoal pills once in a week, that will accelerate your Tissue Healing process.



Drop down is the list of ‘Ten Healthy Foods’ that will definitely speed up the Healing of your body and Muscle pain; just go through them once.

1. Good Fat (Omega-6) from Almond and other Nuts
Almonds contain rich amount of Omega-6 Fat that will help you to Repair your Damaged Tissues faster, Talking about Omega-6, there are variety of Nuts are available in the market, but the preferable nuts are Brazil Nuts and Walnuts, both are Nutrient Rich and have Anti-Fatigue properties.

2. Eggs – Helps in Building Muscles
Eggs are the one of the richest sources of Proteins and also have high concentrations of ‘Leucine’, which is very essential Amino-acid that helps in building Muscles. Having Protein can help with Lower Blood Pressure, Increase Muscle mass, optimize Bone health and Weight-loss.

3. Cinnamon – Improves Tissue Repair
Basically Cinnamon helps you to improve Blood sugar tolerance and Insulin sensitivity, in the result it improves tissue repair. As cinnamon adds taste to your food so you can add it in your Protein shakes, Tea, Coffee and Yoghurt.

4. Fish or Fish Oil
Fishes like cod, salmon and other are queens of the recovery world as they have Anti-Inflammatory properties and support the protein formation; you can have whole Fish or can rely on Fish Oil also.

5. Have Water and Stay Hydrated always
Water is the solution to almost every problem, It helps to maintain proper body temperature as well as it is necessary for Heart and Muscle function. By keeping your Muscles Hydrated, you can get rid of Muscle Cramps like Shoulder & Leg cramps and Pain like Stomach ache. Especially if you are working in hot temperature, it is important for you to look after your water intake at proper intervals.

6. Fruit Juice
Fruits and their juice having high amount of ‘Glycemic’ are the best to eat after work out so that you can sustain energy for your Muscle function. They also help to increase Insulin and have Antioxidant properties. Fruits like Watermelon which Improves Nitric-acid Production, Pineapple and Kiwi both will increase the blood antioxidant status and helps to fight with pain. But Don’t consume too much Juice at a Furious pace, It can cause Stomach ache due to intake of high amounts of Fructose.

7. Green Lfafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables have plenty of benefits which in order help you to fight with Muscle pain. They lower the level of stress hormones, improve hydration and accelerate metabolic processes of the body.

8. Turmeric & Ginger
Turmeric is known as Natural Antiseptic which have Anti-Inflammatory and Pain-killing properties, it helps to get relief from Joint Pain and Ginger also speeds up recovery from pain and maintain overall body processes. Add both in your food, not only they will help you to reduce Muscle Cramps and Pain but also enhance the taste of your food.

9. Dark Colored Fruits
It is proven by many specialists that almost all Dark colored Fruits such as blueberries, tart cherries, and many more, reduce ‘Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness’ (DOMS). These fruits also help in the elimination of waste products from our body which results in the proper digestion process.


10. Have Starchy Foods in Daily Meals
Foods like Potato, Rice contain high amount of Starch and also have a little bit of almost every Nutrient in it. Add these starchy foods in your daily diet, Get relief from Muscle Pain.